hey, maybe you should try & talk ?
ask why i say this & that.
if you said you did think what it would do/happen,
guess the thought of us drifting apart didn't pop into your mind, huh ?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
3:33 PM


so i changed my url . :)
who agrees that nerds are hot ? put your hands up !
those who don't .. *whispers* i know you secretly do.
end-years are FUCKING NEXT WEEK .
first there'll be oral .
hope i don't suck . ):
especially mother tongue .
today's history lesson was scary .
wide awake . 0.0
then science .
ahahahhahaha, whole class confirm chop pass that topic lah .
my cousin's staying over .
but she's not here yet .
don't know to feel happy or sad .
gonna study lateron .
hope it won't be too late . :/
sigh .
k lah bye .
p/s : oral, suck, tongue. hahahha yeah i did bold it on purpose .
not trying to be a freak but i think it's funny HAH HAH .
Monday, September 27, 2010
7:09 PM
cold nostalgia.

whenever there's happiness, misery awaits .
expect the unexpected .
nothing in life goes your way . (well, sometimes it does.)
i'm tired of being sad all the time .
tired of whining how i've screwed up my life .
well, maybe i should stop .
but i'm wondering how am i gonna endure the pain .
i hope you're happy on what you've chosen .
i don't really know how i feel right now .
sad . depressed . angry . sad . sad . depressed .
really need my wellington babes the most right now .
i don't think i've got anymore tears to cry out .
i feel like screaming into your ears & then stare at you & walk away .
& maybe you'll get deaf & then you can't listen to a word people say .
i feel like slapping you & then say sorry .
i feel like biting my lips & cry .
wished i could shoot you .
wished i was supergirl .
please, don't apologize because you feel guilty about it
& then still hurt me .
what IS the point ?
to show that at least you care ?
don't say you're bit too stressed out or whatever shit .
you don't give a shit abt me .
that's why .
Labels: used to it .
Sunday, September 26, 2010
1:25 AM

hahahhaha i'm suppose to be getting ready right now.
but i've still sempat nak update eh. :))
gonna go teacher's open house lateron .
with Naddy & Saiful . :))
mwehehehe . lapar siul .
painted my nails :)
hee happy .
kay what the fuck .
not sure what's wrong with me today .
k bye.
Labels: boom boom shake shake now drop.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
2:02 PM
under construction.
cibai, geramnyer aku. :B
today during maths class had to go detention.
so i slept in detention
& i dreamt that my hair was a gun & i was shooting lotsa people.
& my hair went ZAP! ZAP! ZAP!
after school, went to cwp with timz.
ate nasi padang, as usual. :)
& saw airam, bibiana, fatehah & arif ! :)))
then saw amirah & nasirah. :)))
k bye.
Friday, September 24, 2010
10:16 PM
silent cries.

more pictures on fb.
right now, i wish i was never your daughter .
right now, i wish a vehicle would hit me .
right now, i wish i had never fallen for you .
right now, i wish i had never met you .
right now, i'm regretting for doing whatever we did .
right now, i wish i never existed .
right now, i wish you're not here .
right now, i wish i never knew you. you. you.
don't ask wtf is wrong w me, ask yourself .
wtf is wrong w you ?
MAYBE because something's wrong w you, i'm behaving this way.
throw me away. i think i'm already used to cry all night long abt this shit.
i think i'm already used to being lied.
i think i'm already used to being screamed & shouted at.
i think i'm already used to getting my heart broken a million times.
yeah, i've got no heart. i'm a barbie doll. a plastic.
thanks fr helping to ruin my life.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
10:00 PM
living in lies.
i found out that not all people around you can be trusted .
i found out that everybody lies, no matter how good they are .
i found out that your good friend lies to you .
i found out a lot of horrible things .
wondering why i deserve to go through so much pain .
thought it all had ended .
maybe i just deserve it . but why, eh ?
yeah, i'll shut the fuck up about my miserable life .
thought people cared .
Friday, September 17, 2010
6:16 PM
all cried out.

what the fuck happened to us ?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
8:29 PM
fuck my blog is dead .
i just woke up . hehe .
today's such a tiring day .
late again . luckily it's after hols .
ok i don't know what else to blog about .
i feel so lazy to update .
maybe one day . after 1242463579 days, i'll blog .
& yes, i gotta realise that the hols are already over .
i only had 1 hr of sleep . & when i woke up i felt so fucked up . -.-
learned my lesson . so yeah .
p/s : selamat hari raya . :)
Monday, September 13, 2010
8:46 PM
time flies.
hello . :)
i'm currently bored right now.
one week holiday . :/
i don't know whether to be happy because i won't get to wake up early
be sad because i'm gonna be alone . >:
hari raya's next week . :)
that's a relief . everybody reunites on hari raya, right ?
hopefully . everybody .
& i've got my report book back .
menyakitkan hati only see my grades .
plus my parents haven't seen it yet . 'cause i don't wanna die before hari raya .
i've got so much things to do .
but because of my lazy-ness, it's gonna be hard. :/
i don't think this year's hari raya will be a blast .
i don't think i'll be going out that much .
i've completely got no mood for every fun thing that's gonna happen .
which sucks . a lot .
all i need right now is an outing with my bestfriends/girlfriends.
because i know for sure they'll cheer me up a bit .
but the problem is, where the hell are they ? >:
from my view, i think i've screwed up my life so bad .
i had happiness, but i screwed it up .
& right now i'm dying for it again .
what's the point of trying when i know i can never achieve it ?
yes, i am hopeless .
& yes, i think i am giving up .
& yes, i know i am not the only one who's depressed .
people change. people forget. & people move on.
But it hurts to actually see this happening right infront of your eyes.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
6:06 PM
happy girls. :)

suuuuuuuuuuup !
yesterday i was the happiest girl in sembawang . :D
met-up with farah & headed to wellington .
dah excited-excited, suddenly the guard don't let us in
'cause the teachers were having meeting . -.-
fuck you .
then nad, nigel, baer, asyraf, abdillah ( i think ? ), arif, dini, aqeel were there ! :D
(sorry if i've left out names, i can't remember .)
but i kept quiet . don't know why . :/
so slacked under the block beside wellington .
sayang-sayang kittens & all . ♥
asyraf dh matured seh, suare pon dh break. xD
then fadhli, firman, farris came .
went to minimart .
fell at the stairs . -.-
now my knee hurts .
the guys went home, left with me, farah & nad . :)
so we camwhored like craaaaaaaaazy .
happy girls. ♥
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
4:18 PM
Grandma been has bankrupt said hospitality fence everlastin' wrestlin' rodeo redblooded chitlins marshal. Boobtube soap her hootch lordy cow, rattler.
Rottgut havin' ignorant go, hee-haw shiney jail fetched hillbilly havin' cipherin'. Bacon no cowpoke tobaccee horse water rightly trailer tools git hillbilly.
Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
Put some links to other places here.
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me
Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
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