walking on sunshine

Hello there! :)
So today i went out with Naddy & Saiful.
it was fun, i missed them.
So we went to Northpoint to get mother's day gift for my mum & Saiful's.
We were at Mini Toons & the lady there was like,
'cause that thing's vibrating & all.
& she kept talking & talking & she told us that she bought 3 of that thing for her aunt, her other aunt & lastly her mum.. like i care.
Then Nad, Saiful & the lady talked like as if they were long lost friends who's not met for like 523462 years.
See that thing up there that i'm holding?
That's what i bought for my mum for mother's day. :)
No it's not pathetic, stupid.
I know what my mum likes, so i got that for her. :P
So after that we went to Sembawang, the playground at the 3rd level.
it felt great being there, it was where me & my parents bonded. Ha.
We started taking pictures & talked about our primary school days. :)
Then Wali came & so the phrase goes, " the more the merrier. "
LOL that's stupid.
So we continued taking pictures & all.
The playground was as usual, SHAKY.
But it's still standing. Hahaha.
The sky was beautiful, like always.
Decided to go home since Naddy had to.
I went to the mrt to topup my card using all the money i'm left with to pay my library fines so that i could borrow books ..
& when i reached the library IT WAS FUCKING CLOSED.
So i went home feeling %$@#$!@ .
Decided to give my mother's day gift to my mum since i was too excited to see how she'll react when she sees it.
& then she was like, " EH CANTIK NYE CUTE NYE MAMA SUKE! "
no the way she said wasn't sarcastic, it's just the way i typed it.
Hee! So yeah.
ate dinner. talked abt the elections ohmygod. -.-
i don't even understand a thing but nevermind.
So yeah, that's all for today. & i enjoyed today. ♥
Oh and ..
NADIA INSYIRAH it's okay i don't mind you being busy with your studies. I'm sorry for being so fucked up just because of that. & thank you. i enjoyed myself today & i hope you did too. :) love ya. ♥
ZAWIR told me to blog about him. Um, haha honestly my otak blank right now but i'll try lah k.
Um, i think he's my primary school senior, i'm not sure.
I met him that day when I went to USS with Lina & the rest. SOMBONG SIA MUKE. TAK TAWU NAK SENYUM PULAK TU. chey hahahahhaa !
So i ignored him lah. Tknk tegur. :P
Then we ate dinner at MacD's.
He sat at the table beside me & Lina.
I asked his friend for his name.
Then i asked for his, & he was like " you don't recognise me?! "
in my head i was like " i know you...? "
LOL that's stupid but yes.
Then so after that otw home we were friendlier & we kept disturbing each other. -.-
& now i think i owe him ben & jerry's & idk SINCE WHEN ALSO
but idk whether he's serious abt the ben & jerry's or not. :P
so yeah. Itu sahaja.
Don't say this post for you is short okay, blh tahan panjang tau !
hehe, mwah. :P
bye. ♥
Saturday, May 7, 2011
9:39 PM