
so mid-years have already started.
but i feel like i'm not taking anything seriously.
it's like .. lantak ah. who the hell cares.
like that.
Don't tell me i mcm phm. FYL.
i feel so lost, so confused, so hurt & maybe a lil' neglected.
Nadia Insyirah, it's not your fault.
It's mid-year, you have to study.
i'm sorry i made you feel bad or however i made you feel.
i didn't mean to.
it's just that i really needed someone to make me happy at that point of time
& maybe right now too
But i know you're just busy
& the rest are too.
Honestly, i was really upset when you kept saying you were gonna study study study
Then i talk to Lina, she sometimes bbl mcm tknk layan
then she busy with Wanie
Always Wanie. Then me? right i'm not Wanie.
Nk kate cemburu, blh jugak.
(Sometimes i think that people avoid me because i'm taller than them then they're embarrassed to be walking with/beside me.
then dh mcm lupe kwn smue
then i sedih lah. Mcm mane tk sedih kan.
Imagine you tgh sakit hati rabak, then you really dont know what to do
then you talk to your friend that you syg
then they bbl mcm she's in her own world gytu, mcm tknk lyn you
then you talk to your other friend, ajak her kluar,
cause you really need a happy moment with her cause y'know she's the only person who can understand you really well
then she keep saying she tk blh she blajar
every single time
but i understand lah its mid-years, so i tknk kecik hati abt that
i knw you wanna do well, & i hope you will
so yeah.
thats why now i have 2 new close friends
it's not that i replace you ke ape, i will never do that
but its just that tkkn i nk dudok diam & suffer in silence
i really had to spill out everything to someone
& lagy2 they're my schl mates & they've got problems too
so we shared & stuff
& we 're like the forever alone gang who usually go solo
bcause yg lain dh mcm drift apart from us
& we cant do anything abt it right now
dont worry our friendship will never end
i still cherish you
you're my bestfriend
but right now i'm really lost & hurt
& i don't think i care abt anything anymore
it's not really because of you & lina
(i bet lina doesn't knw abt this either.)
i guess you should knw who, but if you dont, i'll tell you soon.
all i can say is that i was left hanging, just like that.
& right now i'm lost. really lost. i only smile & laugh when my 'friends' are there.
but when it's me alone, it's a different thing.
i bet y'know how that feels.
so yeah. i feel like i've fallen apart, like really fall apart.
i don't knw what to do anymore.
i hope you understand.
don't worry, i'm still me no matter what.
i'll just be a lil' more quiet.
Labels: NadiaInsyirah LinaAnne AdiahSomerz LisaErvina
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
6:59 PM