puke rainbows.

hello .
so today's teachers' day .
bev texted me at 6.55 am .
texted her back & went back to sleep .
& suddenly forgot there was halfday in school . :B
so i missed out the fun . :/
but nvrm .
lateron gonna go back wellington .
meetup w friends & catch -up on life . :)
hahahha, padahal teachers' day kene jumpa cikgu eh . :P
it's hell eating food when it hurts like fuck . :B
especially when i lovvvee food .
k lah bye. nk siapsiappppppp ~
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
1:35 PM

hello. :)
added some stuff into my blog . ^-^
well, tomorrow's monday .. duh .
there'll be inline skating .
but i don't feel like coming to school tomorrow .
maybe because i've got a big scratch on my face
which make me look like as if i've got a moustache .
& it's sad . :/
don't ask me what happened .
i'm so tired right now. :B
i wanna watch CDs/DVDs .
it makes me happy . :)
oh ! oh ! & my title -- STARDUST .
hehe, got it from Sofia's tumblr .
do visit it . :)
why stardust ?
because it reminded me of a book i used to read during primary school
& i LOVEd it a lot . ♥
the author's Linda Chapman . :)
& yeah, it's called Stardust .
that book's awesome for kids who have wild imaginations . :D
there's other books by her too . ^-^
ok , i'm being such a geek now .
hahaha, but READING IS AWESOME. \m/
to those who hates reading, screw you .
aing . kidding .
ok bye. :)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
9:39 PM
hehe, hello. :)
i'm in the school library & i'm happy .
HAHAHHA what the fuck. i'm hungry man .
chatting with mira in fb while she's beside me . :B
the space button here is hard to press .
haiyer . i'm motherfucking bored.
librarian said 5 mins more .
k lah, bye. :)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
4:35 PM
i danced & moved too much in my room
& now my stomach hurts like F U C K .
this reminds me of when teacher said one of her colleague the organ got out of place .
ouch . my stomach hurts a lot . & no, it's not that i want to shit or smth ,
it started to hurt after i danced like a maniac in my room just now . >:
fuck .
just now had in-line skating .
pra plus timmie decided to skip .
& then we were sitting at the canteen, so well-behaved ..
until this (insert word) teacher comes up & asks us why aren't we skating .
so we kept quiet .
then he walked towards the pavilion (where in-line skating is) .
& so we ran up to hide .
& suddenly i heard some crazy guy shouting like f u c k .
i swear i thought somebody was chasing us & then if he got hold of us he's gonna eat us alive .
& so my imagination started to run wild .
it's like the scariest monster you've ever imagined shouting because it found you missing & is searching for you .
it was fucking scary, i almost died on the spot but unfortunately i didn't . :/
so we tried to run faster .
& then he shouted again . FUCKING LOUD i tell you .
the impact of the voice is like BAM !! & it goes through your body .
so i froze . >:
then i saw him .. at the second floor staircase beside the hall .
mira, rinnie was behind him .
he was standing there, like tarzan standing at the edge of a cliff .
but the face not proud, the face FUCKING SCARY. too scary until i cannot describe .
so i quickly walked pass him to be with mira & rinnie .
then he shouted somemore . -.-"
" GO BACK TO THE PAVILION NOW GO !! blablabla .. pavilion .. blablablah .. "
so we all ran down .
my legs were trembling after that . --> shows how fuckin scared i was. >:
then another teacher came -.-
" GO SKATE blahblahblah OR GO RTC blahblahblah 1 WEEK !! blahblah skate .. "
so skated in the end . :/
i swear if i ever see that teacher's, who shouted, face ever again, i'm gonna walk away like i've seen nothing .
GOOD OR NOT MY DESCRIPTION ?!! but serious shit, it is as scary as it sounds . >:
hahaha, exaggerating ? naww . don't think so . HAHAHA, idk lah .
Monday, August 23, 2010
10:31 PM
stars in the milkyway

hello. :)
i've been at home the whole day .
no, it's not that boring .
i've been on the computer for hours now .
& my twitter's killing me .
it doesn't let me change my picture . :B
& suddenly this picture came out .

so cute ! haha . no, it's not my first time seeing this .
it might be the second or third .
but it's really irritating me .
ok wtf i don't know what to do already . >:
actually, i'm really really really bored to the max .
that's why i've been typing bullshit .
anyway, last night i had a nightmare .
i saw a yellow & white python in my house .
& then it tried to kill me . so i killed it first .
then i felt so relieved ! :D
& then another yellow & white python came . :B
so i was motherfucking scared lah .
but this one didn't stay still & stare .
it fuckin chased me . >:
so i had to run & run & run .
& the running doesn't stop . -_-"
before the python got the chance to kill me,
i woke up .
what the fuck kan .
haha, k bye.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
2:22 PM
heart attack.

suuuuuup !
i've been leaving my blog alone ,
& i've been updating my tumblr . :)
well, not anymore now .
i'm currently sick . >:
which sucks big time .
anyway, i got back my science & malay paper .
& i failed both . :B
so, i don't know what else to type .
i'm so bored .
i don't want to clean my room .
& i want gummy bears to chew on while watching CDs .
school's been crazy, that's for sure .
screaming & jumping up & down when seeing _______ .
getting into trouble for god knows why .
hitting each other with floorball sticks every thursdays .
oh, & next week there'll be a 2A2 floorball competition .
i think it's a competition . :/
guys mixed with girls .
so obviously PRA would be hitting each other when getting the ball .
& i'm afraid of rinnie & sabrina . they're so wild .
well, i'm afraid of every girl who plays floorball in my class, ONLY IN FLOORBALL. :)
that's why .
even the quiet ones . you can see how craaazy they can get .
i wanna go out . i wanna go geylang & jalan-jalan .
Saturday, August 21, 2010
5:56 PM
round & round
hello :)
common tests are over & i'm a happy girl .
i think i'll fail my maths . because i always do .
you should've seen how i babbled to beverly & sabrina that maths is impossible .
& they're like, " no kikie ! it is possible . "
anyway, yesterday i went to Geylang . :)
& i'm happy because i get to buy what i want . who won't be, right ?
hahahahahhaha . i'm talking crap already .
i'm bored . i want food . but i can't have food . i'm fasting . are you ?
i'm bored .
bye .
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
4:25 PM
fading picture
hey . :)
i'm gonna post about how much i miss 2009 .
so it's fine if you aren't interested .
sec 1 ( 2009 ) in the canteen during recess .

sec 2 ( 2010 ) in the canteen during recess .

i miss the old us . i miss XYZ .

last time we were so happy together .
the guys would usually bring their guitars to class
& then ms tan would shout at them fr God knows why
& they would place it at the back
& it became a habit .
& then when there's free period, the class would go chaotic .
which class doesn't, right ? :)
megat would teach me how to play the guitar .
& there was once, when we were so engrossed in playing the guitars,
amira knocked my head against megat's .

megat izuwan hariri ritzhann yuzaimi halim iman
dini natasha syaqilla sofia lisa harianti
amira errinnie beverly adiah hajar sabrina zakia
we were the bestfriends who rocked the sec 1 ' 09 level in the sembawang campus .
remember ? :D
i remember it clearly .

we were so happy back then .
but what about now ? :(
it's a different story already .
we used to hang-out with each other .
but not anymore .
most of the time, we don't talk to each other anymore now .

now the express girls are doing their own thing .
pra too .
lisa & iman are like going solo, mixing around with people .
the guys, tfhoy ?
berpecah already .
don't ask why .
it's sad . real sad . :(

so much memories .
i've really got nothing to say ..
but if God gave me one wish,
i would wish to go back so secondary 1 ' 2009 .
i really would .
i really don't want you guys to separate .
but i don't know why you guys are like this .

but since hari raya is coming soon ..
i really hope you guys will forgive & forget . :(
oh by the way, good luck for the common tests . :)
i ♥ XYZ .
Friday, August 13, 2010
6:34 PM
broken promises

sup people ! :D
hehe, my blog's kinda dead . i've been updating my tumblr . :)
anyway, today's the second day of fasting.
a few more hours till break fast . :D
anyway, above picture was taken on 8 Aug ,
some of the dance members attended the YOG torch flame thing
at NYP . & it was awesome ! \m/
screamed at the top of our lungs . :b
9 August - national day . :)
ate at MacD's w Timmie > met up w Einn & Brendon in the train > went to Lakeside to meet up w the rest > took bus to Boon Lay > karaoke & pool > Lunch/dinner > Marina Square > Met up w Beverly & more > bought vodka :B > went to the rooftop ? > drink, camwhore, talk crap .
overall = awesome day ! ♥
10 Aug - wild wild wet & escape theme park . :)
met up w Yani, Zuhaidah & Wardah > trained to pasir ris fr breakfast at MacD's > headed to wild wild wet > got changed > got wet ! > had fun > changed back into dry clothes > headed to escape theme park > took the wet & wild thing > screamed & screamed & laughed > went to the train ride > argued w this ahlian wannabe > mood was ruined > went to the haunted house > screamed & screamed & more screaming > pirate ship > more pirate ship > more haunted house > at at Popeyes fr dinner .
overall = another awesome day ! ♥
heh, just a summary of what i did . not really exact, but yeah .
& tomorrow there's common testzxvz !! $%@#$@$#
1 more hour to go ! :)
bye .
Thursday, August 12, 2010
5:57 PM
like sugar

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup !
today had ndp in school . \m/
had parade or smth .
then played captain's ball fr lower sec
& fuck, i screwed up . :/
was having butter fingers . couldn't catch the ball .
then off to the hall after the game .
& the singing part was rockin awesome. \m/
hehe .
me & beverly were singing our hearts out . :D
we were craaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy .
the whole school was crazy .
well, not really the whole school .
some didn't had the spirit .
which sucked .
so anyway ,
went t MacD after that t eat . NOMNOMNOM (Y)
& there was this boy ... urgh, so motherfuckin' gross . :P
headed back t school after that .
slack , camwhored , hair , played ball etc etc .
headed home w beverly at 2 plus .
& now tired & sleepy . :B
heh, so ok bye ♥
Labels: i guess i need you baby.
Friday, August 6, 2010
5:07 PM
good girl
hello (:
i'm currently feeling tired right now . :/
common test 2 is on next friday .
& it's like what the fuck .
time flies so fast .
& yeah, i've been paying attention in maths class .
well, eversince last week . -.-
heh .
i've been very distracted lately . very .
anyway, i won't be online that often anymore .
gonna study like a goodgirl ^^v
HAHAHHA, which sounds kinda impossible .
today had DnT class test . confirm fail . :/
HAIYER . i don't wanna fuckin faillllllllllll my maths anymore .
so i'm gonna study . but not now . saper nk skarang kan ?
HEHE . i so ngantok alre right now . :/
ok lah bye . (:
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
10:04 PM
drowned in my emotions

hey .
picture was taken ytd .
went out w Rinnie, Luthfi, Haikal, Hendri, Zulfiqar, Zulkifli, Weiguang
to Harbour front. :/
then Timmie & Sab came .
weiguang & zulfiqar went home .
left w 8 of us .
went t this place .
it was pretty. there were stars.
then smth happened . :/
sorry .
then rushed home -.-
so today's Harith's birthday .
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! :D
the cake was awesome . plus the food .
even though i didn't eat that much . :/
plus i didn't talk that much .
it was damn awkward ..
sigh .
went t canberra park .
otp w linalee & talked abt ( insert sentence here ) .
lepak-ed w nadtella at her blk .
talked abt ( insert name ) ( insert name ) ( insert name ) ( insert name ) ( insert name ) .
LOL . we had sooo much t catch up on . (:
thanks fr the songs, babe ♥
& then that fat-ass HAD t ruin my motherfuckin mood . :B
wait, make that fat-asses .
went home at 8 plus .
TOMORROW ! can't wait (((:
heeeheeee . k lah bye .
Labels: sorry.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
10:00 PM
Grandma been has bankrupt said hospitality fence everlastin' wrestlin' rodeo redblooded chitlins marshal. Boobtube soap her hootch lordy cow, rattler.
Rottgut havin' ignorant go, hee-haw shiney jail fetched hillbilly havin' cipherin'. Bacon no cowpoke tobaccee horse water rightly trailer tools git hillbilly.
Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
Put some links to other places here.
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me
Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
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