it's not alright, it's not ok .
i think i'm gonna be okay .. for now .Labels: i'm just speechless.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
8:25 PM
some of us are mad for nothing .

yeah, i agree on the picture above ^ ):
i knew i shouldn't have came home early,i knew this would happen .
today was cca day .it was hilarious !ok shhhhh . (((:
went to np to eat at LJS .then walked around for s h o e sthey are so gorgeous, i swear !the vans . the nike . the adidas .& i wish i was super rich so i could buy all of 'em .*.*But, dream on kiki .
i wonder why am i still upset abt the past .maybe because it's too painful .the thought of me hurting him without realizing still goes thru my mind,as it's hard to forget .
yeah, it's all my fault .even people said i was stupid .i know ok, you don't have to fuckin' say it straight to my face .yeah, i deserve it .but you don't know what the fuck i am going thru ,so what the fuck was that for ?you can advice me or smth, but not like that pe ?but, i don't wanna make a big deal out of it .you're still my bestfriend .
i'll stick to my fake smilesuntil i find happiness {:
like what you said, " who cares ? "
right ?
p/s : screw this computer _|_Labels: i feel so small without my wings.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
7:17 PM
s c h o o l
hey !today i woke up late :/
fuckk .
luckily Adiah texted .
huhu ^.^ v
so was late fr school :/
not good, not good .
but missed out on the assembly. (Y)
until vp came & talked to us.
went into class, it felt like the first day of school .
but with the people i know .
so awkward :/
plus i was shivering fr God knows why .
& yeah, teacher told to clip up hair, as usual ._.
timetable was changed .
& i officially lost my hw :/
after school, ate at MacD. (:
talked abt stuff .
headed to the mrt .
sat & started talking abt E C L I P S E !!
omgeee . :D
i get so so so excited whenever we talk abt it ,
especially TAYLOR LAUTNER aka Jacob Black. *hothotheat ( as bev says it ) .
who doesn't right ? unless you're not a twillight fan or smth . (:
i can't wait . & then we're gonna go shoe shopping .
then we're gonna watch toy story 3 on Monday .
& hopefully, our plans won't cock up, again .
& we missed a few trains just talking abt it .
Plus, today school's ok .
played heart-attack w Timmie, Hariri, Lal & Megat . (:
& there was this teacher who talked super duper slang-ly . ( if there's a word fr it )
so yeah .
Labels: kiddo kiddo kiddo.
Monday, June 28, 2010
4:24 PM
fuck forever.
hey .tomorrow's school ):
i don't know where to bring my cousins today .
i don't feel like going out .
i feel so sad .
i feel so so so frustrated .
i feel so so so angry with myself .
i feel so so so weak .
Labels: i'm sry kiddo. ):
Sunday, June 27, 2010
12:57 PM
bling bling bling

so today i went to Bugis Junction .& in the mrt i almost fainted ):
it was fuckin hot ):
ate at BK.i'm happy whenever it's cekik time.
& right now my cousins are doing my chores.keep up the good work, girls ! (Y)
tomorrow's the last day of this i-thought-it-would-be-awesome-but-in-the-end-it-sucks-big-time holiday .
so yeah .bye ♥
Labels: bye kiddo. ):
Saturday, June 26, 2010
8:19 PM
hot nerds
holaaaa !today i had to wake up early
which sucks big time !! :/
so now i'm currently waiting fr my cuz to finish showering .
nobody wants to shower at the other toilet fr idk what reason .
so yeah .
i'm bored :/
oh yeah .
i noticed that all my links are the old ones .
so fuck .
i gotta find 'em .
hopefully all are somewhere here in my other dead blogs .
today is saturday & tomorrow will be sunday .
& the next day there's S C H O O L .
oh that word, sounds so cruel :/
i'm not ready fr school .
Labels: kiddo. ):
10:41 AM
me + you = hell
hahahahhaha omg my profile at the side there ------>it's so old y'know !
haha, anyway, thanks Timmie fr my blog . (:
i'm gonna change the sides another day .
so yeah .
* flying kisses *
Labels: BJ kiddo . (:
1:07 AM
bright pink nails
hello (:my cousins are here .
the first thing they did was bam, on the ground resting .
i guess they're staying here fr 2 weeks .
i wish i didn't have to go school :/
which is gonna start in 2-3 days time .
i've lost my homeworks :/
i wont be updating that much for now .
so yeah .
& him , if you're reading this ..
so yeah . that's all .
oh , & y'know . imma liar .
oh, i heard someone said i'm weird after judging my blog ?
well, screw you, girl _|_
who the fuck are you to judge me like that ?
once again, screw you .
ok bye .
Labels: BJ kiddo . (:
12:41 AM
walking aimlessly
ok hi ^-^today met up w Timmie at causeway .
ate at MacD (:
continued talking about %$@#@ and ^$@#%@ (:
oh so bitch, right timtim ?
sigh . what to do .
walked around causeway.
decided to go Hougang ? haha.
so we took 161 eh ?
it was a double-decker bus :D
haha, it's been a longggg time since i took one .
the journey was so long ._.
then Timmie was like, " wanna hear song ? "
i said no .
& she was like , " there's Justin Bieber songs . " * smile with teeth *
hahahaha . what's up with that timtim ?
went to hougang mall after that, i guess.
walked around like no life people :B
bought a pretty blue landyard (((:
but seriously uh, we were like no life people walking around.
took bus back to causeway.
walked around again.
& went home (:
hope you're ok .
ok bye ♥
Monday, June 21, 2010
7:33 PM
spinning records
ok hi i'm done changing my blogskin (:
& i'm done using the computer .
my mum said my cousins are coming next friday .
hehe, i'm so happy (:
ok bye ♥
Saturday, June 19, 2010
7:41 PM
Cekik Girl signing in & out *salutes

so hello :Dtoday's another boring day , yet i managed to survive .
my blog's so plain, so empty .since i've deleted all my posts .
anyway, i've decided to change my blogskin .well, i guess .
Let's post about 17 June, which was PRA's bbq (:it was a blast !well, for me uh .
it was soooo awesome .Hann, Sofia, Syaqilla & me kept playing the flying fox .we were like a team .& it was awesome .
Mostly everyone played on the flying fox .it was so hilarious xDwe kept falling on each other when the thing bounced back .
Then after all that, we played WHACK-O ?it was so awesome :Dwe got to hit each other hard ! \m/with the thick newspapers rolled up together .
after all the fun, the party ended at around 10+ pm .reached home at around 11pm .don't know abt the rest though .As usual, pictures are in Bev's fb (:
woke-up late the next day :/so in the end i didn't go for Einn's bbq pit .Sorry yeah .
ok bye ♥
5:48 PM
you think you're so damn good that you can get everything that you want
you think you're so damn good that you can do whatever you want
well, think again ok !
you're not a vip , you're not the president !
you think you're so damn good, but actually you're not !
go get the girl that you want
i dont give a damn !
screw life !
i dont give a shit about anything anymore !
i've told you what i wanted to tell you .
plus nobody was ever honest with me all this while !
screw you guys _|_
i'm tired of arguing with you all the time ,
& i know you are too .
Plus u're NOT the only one who's stressed ok .
it will all get better in time .
that's the only thing i'm holding on to - time .
Labels: i'm sry fr everything .
Friday, June 18, 2010
5:39 PM
karate kid \m/

hello (:today i spent my day with Beberuri, Hariri, Einn, Sulaiman, NizKawaii & Taufiq .we went to Bugis there .Ate lunch at BK .bought tickets to watch Karate Kid .very awesome (Y)like IP man . fight here, fight there .Jaden Smith's sooo cute !hahha . i swear popcorns were flying here & there .After the movie, ate dinner at LJS .plus we took lotsa lotsa pictures ♥all uploaded at Bev's fb .
so currently i'm otp w Rinnie & her boyf .& i'm currently sad ):i don't know why .Maybe Rinnie knows why .but wtf . i'm trying to keep myself busy .in the end, i go home & think abt how happy i was when i was w him .
so ok bye goodnight ♥
Monday, June 14, 2010
11:19 PM
happy girls

hello (:today is another happy day .met up w Timmie at Causeway Point .ate at KFC .talked about our past relationships & all .God, he was such a jerk ! Never be nice to him ever again ok Timmie .no heart . heartless ! GRR . listening to Timmie's stories made my blood go up stairs .then bought pink lip stud as i lost my blue one ._.took bus to vista point .
didn't know where to go after that ._.
decided to lepak w Bev & Sab at 721 .
so bid goodbye to Timmie .
took bus . then took train .
sheesh .
leceh !
met-up w them .
talked about shopping & next week :D
hehehe , taboley sabar !

then we took lotsa lotsa pictures at the car park .which was awesome :Dhahaha .more pictures will be at Bev's fb ^-^went home at around 7.30pm .otw home, i freakin' lost my pink stud the bola pat depan !!!!!!!!!haha, idk what it's called . so let's call it stud bola .ok so i freakin' lost my stud bola !!!!!!hehe .i hate myself fr being so clumsy :/
ok bye goodnight ♥
Sunday, June 13, 2010
9:42 PM
siao siao

so hello .
today i spent my day at Mimi's house .
Yeah, it was awesome .
Mimi & i rolled around the bed, fighting fr my phone .
that Mimi die die nk tgk handphone aku ._.
then my nails which were painted a few minutes ago got ruined .
so now my phone & casing has got beige-colored nail polish on it .
GRRR . but nevermind .
Sorry to Timmie & Lina as i couldn't reply to yr messages
due to my prepaid .
so yeah .
i hope tomorrow will be another happy day (:
ok bye i ♥ you readers goodnight .
Saturday, June 12, 2010
10:48 PM
it's all my fault . everything's my fault . yeah, i know .
it's all my fault .
i've never made you happy .
i know .
it's been hell eversince you were with me .
i know .
it's all my fault . it's all my fault . it's all my fault .
sorry if i've made your life miserable for the past 3 months .
it's all my fault . it's all my fault . it's all my fault .
all i do is wrong . all i do is wrong . all i do is wrong .
i'm an idiot . i'm a fool . i'm stupid .
thanks ah . thank you a whole lot .
skarang aku prasan aku dari dulu mcm sial .
aku sarcastic ? arh, pape lah .
i disturb her ? oh . i'm sry fr disturbing her .
didn't know whatever i said to her meant that i was disturbing her .
all my fault .
thanks , once again .
Friday, June 11, 2010
9:25 PM
Grandma been has bankrupt said hospitality fence everlastin' wrestlin' rodeo redblooded chitlins marshal. Boobtube soap her hootch lordy cow, rattler.
Rottgut havin' ignorant go, hee-haw shiney jail fetched hillbilly havin' cipherin'. Bacon no cowpoke tobaccee horse water rightly trailer tools git hillbilly.
Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
Put some links to other places here.
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me ♡
find me
Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
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