drawing the line
so today i went out with Lina, the girl in pink^
(ps. this picture was taken a long time ago)
we went to eat MacD.
Then went to 'Art Friends' since Lina wanted to buy some stuff.
I was so elated when i entered the shop.
It was full of................................................ awesome!!
(yes, it was my first time going there so shut up)
& suddenly i felt so 'semangat' for art & i thought back, "why didn't i give my best for my canvas with Lisa?"
But what the hell.
Met Elfy & we walked around Orchard.
Ate at Swensens. :))))))))) hehehe yummy chicken baked rice!!
Thank you Lina ♥
Ugh i want that shoe for school!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
Maybe i'm gonna get.
But most probably not tmrw since my mum is asleep right now & i bet she won't leave me money for the shoe 'cause i didn't get to talk to her abt it. Ugh
Um so yeah, i guess that's all.
& i think everyone should get shoes from 'LeftFoot'
LOL because the shoes there are awesome
ugh i don't feel good.
goodnight ♥
Saturday, July 16, 2011
10:10 PM
got no idea

i can't wait for school to end! :))
& there was a wellington reunion yesterday.
& only 6 people came. how pathetic is that.
But it was a well-spent day!
played frisbee under the fucking hot sun,
jumped on some bouncy thingy
then flew kites, & ate awesome brownies & nuggets! :))
laid on a mat & looked at the fluffy clouds.
In the evening we watched the kites light up in the sky
It was really cool.
^ a picture of us, oh & Ain was the one who took the picture :))
Then today Nad was fasting, to pay back.
I felt like i was fasting too, all because of her.
Ate nasi ayam merah for 'buka' at d'Rubinah :)) yum.
i swear i'd lick the whole plate if nobody was there.
Fasting month is coming soon.
& i'm not done with art & i don't know where's my freaking edusave form ughsgfazghzeth
Sunday, July 10, 2011
9:09 PM
kiss me gently

So it's the last week of the June holidays.
i don't remember what homework i've got.
Except for one, history. Have to do it online.
But um........ i don't think any of my history classmates did it.
if you guys did, great job! :D
so okay.
i argued with (insert name here) again. again again again
Ugh. erghetsjr6yijxgfh
But seriously lah, confirm you guys will feel upset if the person you love never try to make time for you right?
Okay, i was at fault too, for asking too much questions.
But i still got rights to get mad, because i was looking forward to it!
Then you're there chill chill, like nothing's wrong
why am i still holding on to you in the first place?!
you can go ahead & love whichever bitch you want
& don't expect me to apologize or talk to you first
it's YOU who's suppose to apologise to me first
because you hurt me so much already
fuck you i can name down all the shit you've done to me k
Thursday, June 23, 2011
3:16 PM
A wish
When i'm 16, i'm gonna work. Maybe as a waitress. Or maybe something better.
& then the money i'm gonna use it to treat my parents at a very expensive restaurant.
I will be there to watch them enjoy & be happy.
I'll buy them lots of nice things.
I'll start to plan my life. I'll start to plan where i'll go.
When i'm 17, i'll plan more for my life. I'll treat my parents again,
but this time i won't be there. It'll be a date for them.
When i'm 18, i'll have enough money.
Enough money for what? To go overseas. Alone.
I'll go somewhere, it's not planned yet. Just somewhere far.
I'll disappear for awhile.
To calm this mind of mine.
& then i'll come back, a new me.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
11:50 PM
Bersabar ki, bersabar.
Her thoughts are no longer your concern.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
3:09 PM
ignorance is your new bestfriend

so today i had my art - 3 hours.
it was okay, i guess.
skipped maths remedial & there's maths paper 1 tmrw. :/
Um, so i screwed up, again.
i made you gave up on me, again.
so i guess right now you won't care if somebody kidnaps me & i disappear for 45634 days.
But it's okay, i guess.
It is my fault. I deserve all this.
Hate me all you want, you said you don't care anymore.
So why should i?
Screw this.
2 more papers left & EXAMS WILL BE FINALLY OVER! ;)
& holidays are coming sooon.
yeaaah baby.
Gonna go crazy during the holidays. Ahaha.
Gonna go m.i.a , then not m.i.a
on of, on of.
Okay, something like that.
you're the only guy i feel comfortable with & i don't know why.
Sometimes i curse you & all, but i swear after that i wish i could take them all back.
I know i make you feel like i don't trust you,
& i keep bugging you with my stupid questions.
But i've told you what had happened to me 'till it was hard for me to trust someone again.
But i guess you still don't understand me.
& maybe you'll never will.
This hurts me, but what's the point?
It's too late for me to say all this to you.
But i just wanna tell you that i enjoyed my time spent with you.
It was fun, & exciting.. & fun.
Ha, y'know what i mean. ;)
i wish we could do it again, but i guess we can't anymore.
I don't want you to be mad at me forever, but that is one thing i can't stop you from doing.
So yeah. Have a great life ahead.
Labels: the only exception
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
4:02 PM
walking on sunshine

Hello there! :)
So today i went out with Naddy & Saiful.
it was fun, i missed them.
So we went to Northpoint to get mother's day gift for my mum & Saiful's.
We were at Mini Toons & the lady there was like,
'cause that thing's vibrating & all.
& she kept talking & talking & she told us that she bought 3 of that thing for her aunt, her other aunt & lastly her mum.. like i care.
Then Nad, Saiful & the lady talked like as if they were long lost friends who's not met for like 523462 years.
See that thing up there that i'm holding?
That's what i bought for my mum for mother's day. :)
No it's not pathetic, stupid.
I know what my mum likes, so i got that for her. :P
So after that we went to Sembawang, the playground at the 3rd level.
it felt great being there, it was where me & my parents bonded. Ha.
We started taking pictures & talked about our primary school days. :)
Then Wali came & so the phrase goes, " the more the merrier. "
LOL that's stupid.
So we continued taking pictures & all.
The playground was as usual, SHAKY.
But it's still standing. Hahaha.
The sky was beautiful, like always.
Decided to go home since Naddy had to.
I went to the mrt to topup my card using all the money i'm left with to pay my library fines so that i could borrow books ..
& when i reached the library IT WAS FUCKING CLOSED.
So i went home feeling %$@#$!@ .
Decided to give my mother's day gift to my mum since i was too excited to see how she'll react when she sees it.
& then she was like, " EH CANTIK NYE CUTE NYE MAMA SUKE! "
no the way she said wasn't sarcastic, it's just the way i typed it.
Hee! So yeah.
ate dinner. talked abt the elections ohmygod. -.-
i don't even understand a thing but nevermind.
So yeah, that's all for today. & i enjoyed today. ♥
Oh and ..
NADIA INSYIRAH it's okay i don't mind you being busy with your studies. I'm sorry for being so fucked up just because of that. & thank you. i enjoyed myself today & i hope you did too. :) love ya. ♥
ZAWIR told me to blog about him. Um, haha honestly my otak blank right now but i'll try lah k.
Um, i think he's my primary school senior, i'm not sure.
I met him that day when I went to USS with Lina & the rest. SOMBONG SIA MUKE. TAK TAWU NAK SENYUM PULAK TU. chey hahahahhaa !
So i ignored him lah. Tknk tegur. :P
Then we ate dinner at MacD's.
He sat at the table beside me & Lina.
I asked his friend for his name.
Then i asked for his, & he was like " you don't recognise me?! "
in my head i was like " i know you...? "
LOL that's stupid but yes.
Then so after that otw home we were friendlier & we kept disturbing each other. -.-
& now i think i owe him ben & jerry's & idk SINCE WHEN ALSO
but idk whether he's serious abt the ben & jerry's or not. :P
so yeah. Itu sahaja.
Don't say this post for you is short okay, blh tahan panjang tau !
hehe, mwah. :P
bye. ♥
Saturday, May 7, 2011
9:39 PM
Grandma been has bankrupt said hospitality fence everlastin' wrestlin' rodeo redblooded chitlins marshal. Boobtube soap her hootch lordy cow, rattler.
Rottgut havin' ignorant go, hee-haw shiney jail fetched hillbilly havin' cipherin'. Bacon no cowpoke tobaccee horse water rightly trailer tools git hillbilly.
Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.