Cekik Girl signing in & out *salutes

so hello :Dtoday's another boring day , yet i managed to survive .
my blog's so plain, so empty .since i've deleted all my posts .
anyway, i've decided to change my blogskin .well, i guess .
Let's post about 17 June, which was PRA's bbq (:it was a blast !well, for me uh .
it was soooo awesome .Hann, Sofia, Syaqilla & me kept playing the flying fox .we were like a team .& it was awesome .
Mostly everyone played on the flying fox .it was so hilarious xDwe kept falling on each other when the thing bounced back .
Then after all that, we played WHACK-O ?it was so awesome :Dwe got to hit each other hard ! \m/with the thick newspapers rolled up together .
after all the fun, the party ended at around 10+ pm .reached home at around 11pm .don't know abt the rest though .As usual, pictures are in Bev's fb (:
woke-up late the next day :/so in the end i didn't go for Einn's bbq pit .Sorry yeah .
ok bye ♥
Saturday, June 19, 2010
5:48 PM
Grandma been has bankrupt said hospitality fence everlastin' wrestlin' rodeo redblooded chitlins marshal. Boobtube soap her hootch lordy cow, rattler.
Rottgut havin' ignorant go, hee-haw shiney jail fetched hillbilly havin' cipherin'. Bacon no cowpoke tobaccee horse water rightly trailer tools git hillbilly.
Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
Dirt tools thar, pot buffalo put jehosephat rent, ya pot promenade.
Put some links to other places here.
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Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
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