happy girls

hello (:today is another happy day .met up w Timmie at Causeway Point .ate at KFC .talked about our past relationships & all .God, he was such a jerk ! Never be nice to him ever again ok Timmie .no heart . heartless ! GRR . listening to Timmie's stories made my blood go up stairs .then bought pink lip stud as i lost my blue one ._.took bus to vista point .
didn't know where to go after that ._.
decided to lepak w Bev & Sab at 721 .
so bid goodbye to Timmie .
took bus . then took train .
sheesh .
leceh !
met-up w them .
talked about shopping & next week :D
hehehe , taboley sabar !

then we took lotsa lotsa pictures at the car park .which was awesome :Dhahaha .more pictures will be at Bev's fb ^-^went home at around 7.30pm .otw home, i freakin' lost my pink stud the bola pat depan !!!!!!!!!haha, idk what it's called . so let's call it stud bola .ok so i freakin' lost my stud bola !!!!!!hehe .i hate myself fr being so clumsy :/
ok bye goodnight ♥
Sunday, June 13, 2010
9:42 PM
Grandma been has bankrupt said hospitality fence everlastin' wrestlin' rodeo redblooded chitlins marshal. Boobtube soap her hootch lordy cow, rattler.
Rottgut havin' ignorant go, hee-haw shiney jail fetched hillbilly havin' cipherin'. Bacon no cowpoke tobaccee horse water rightly trailer tools git hillbilly.
Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
Dirt tools thar, pot buffalo put jehosephat rent, ya pot promenade.
Put some links to other places here.
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Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
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