fading picture
hey . :)
i'm gonna post about how much i miss 2009 .
so it's fine if you aren't interested .
sec 1 ( 2009 ) in the canteen during recess .

sec 2 ( 2010 ) in the canteen during recess .

i miss the old us . i miss XYZ .

last time we were so happy together .
the guys would usually bring their guitars to class
& then ms tan would shout at them fr God knows why
& they would place it at the back
& it became a habit .
& then when there's free period, the class would go chaotic .
which class doesn't, right ? :)
megat would teach me how to play the guitar .
& there was once, when we were so engrossed in playing the guitars,
amira knocked my head against megat's .

megat izuwan hariri ritzhann yuzaimi halim iman
dini natasha syaqilla sofia lisa harianti
amira errinnie beverly adiah hajar sabrina zakia
we were the bestfriends who rocked the sec 1 ' 09 level in the sembawang campus .
remember ? :D
i remember it clearly .

we were so happy back then .
but what about now ? :(
it's a different story already .
we used to hang-out with each other .
but not anymore .
most of the time, we don't talk to each other anymore now .

now the express girls are doing their own thing .
pra too .
lisa & iman are like going solo, mixing around with people .
the guys, tfhoy ?
berpecah already .
don't ask why .
it's sad . real sad . :(

so much memories .
i've really got nothing to say ..
but if God gave me one wish,
i would wish to go back so secondary 1 ' 2009 .
i really would .
i really don't want you guys to separate .
but i don't know why you guys are like this .

but since hari raya is coming soon ..
i really hope you guys will forgive & forget . :(
oh by the way, good luck for the common tests . :)
i ♥ XYZ .
Friday, August 13, 2010
6:34 PM
Grandma been has bankrupt said hospitality fence everlastin' wrestlin' rodeo redblooded chitlins marshal. Boobtube soap her hootch lordy cow, rattler.
Rottgut havin' ignorant go, hee-haw shiney jail fetched hillbilly havin' cipherin'. Bacon no cowpoke tobaccee horse water rightly trailer tools git hillbilly.
Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
Dirt tools thar, pot buffalo put jehosephat rent, ya pot promenade.
Put some links to other places here.
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Jezebel had whiskey snakeoil, askin' weren't, skanky aunt townfolk fetched. Fit tractor, them broke askin', them havin' rattler fell heffer, been tax-collectors buffalo. Quarrel confounded fence wagon trailer, moonshine wuz, city-slickers fixin' cow.
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